Words have meaning. Nothing is truer than when looking for a service to take care of the pest in your home or business. Exterminator, Pest Control, Pest Manager, I.P.M. Specialist… Oh my! Is this all the same only different name?
Exterminator: One who kills pest.
Pest Control Operator: One who kills pest, then returns to kill pest when they return, sometimes on a returning maintenance service agreement.
Pest Manager: One who first determines the level of infestation, cause of attraction and then designs a plan of attack. Which may include proactive/preventive visits. Minor structural repairs may be involved.
I.P.M. Specialist: This one gets tricky to define, since many debate the relationship chemicals have with true I.P.M. (Integrated Pest Management). This term was first used in crop sciences, eventually adopted for structural pest. Some believe I.P.M. means no chemicals, which is not true at all. It does mean ALL options are on the table. Including the danger/health threat of target pest, urgency of timing etc.
Even though the words Pest Control is in our name, I.P.M. Specialist is closer to describing our approach. Holistic pest management with an emphasis on I.P.M. is what we do. We go after the target as well as the cause. 37 plus years of training in all disciplines of pest control as well as structural repairs and conditions has given us the upper hand when compared to other approaches. No, we don’t offer home repairs, etc. Our knowledge in how a home/building breathes and is built helps us find most of their hidden entry points. We have a complete understanding of the common and not so common construction flaws and how pest exploit these flaws.
Contact us today for a full pest proofing evaluation.