All regular proactive services can be performed on exterior only. This is has been what we have specialized in for over two decades. These exterior services will include identifying and sealing the common entry points of mice and insects. Any significant deficiencies will be noted, along with either a separate estimate of repair or recommendation of a local qualified contractor.

As we all know, not all pest enter from the exterior, instead are unintentionally brought in. These pest, such as bed bugs, roaches, fleas and others will require interior services. We will be wearing the proper protection for yours and our safety and health. This may include a respirator, gloves and shoe protection. We will also be sanitizing all equipment and shoes in between all stops.

These are the following pest where we can usually gain full elimination from the outside.
1. Carpenter Ants
2. Pavement Ants
3. Odorous House Ants
4. *Spiders
5. *Wasp/Yellow Jackets
6. *Centipedes
7. Box Elder Bugs
8. Earwigs
9. Pill/Sow bugs
10. Tick’s
11. *Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs
12. There are many others

These are the pest that require one to several interior visits to control.
1. Bed Bugs
2. Fleas
3. Roaches
4. Indian Meal Moths
5. Grain Beetles
6. Pharaoh Ants
7. Established Spiders, Centipedes, and few others.

Safe distances will be observed at all times.

We will expect all our existing and new clients to inform us if under mandated quarantine due to having or been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19.

If I have knowingly been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19, I will not perform any services and go under personal 14 day quarantine.

May God Bless each and everyone of you.
Stay healthy.
Brent Towle, Master Technician
Spectrum Pest Control Eco-Tech LLC